Six things to check before publishing your website

Last updated 12.12.2018
When you create your own website, you have total creative freedom to make it entirely your own, with as many quirks and unique touches as you like. When you first get started, there are a few things you should be checking as you go along – and definitely before you take the exciting step of hitting the publish button! In this blog we’ve rounded up the top six things to check before publishing your website.
What is your website about?
This is something you should keep asking yourself throughout the process: is it obvious what your website is about? It sounds simple, but it can be all too easy to lose sight of your website’s focus when you’re looking at colours, styles, images and copy. If your website is a business website, make sure your business is front and centre, and it’s clear what it’s about.
Are you happy with the colours?
Make sure all the colours work together. If you’ve used different colours on different pages or sections, was this intentional? You can change colours as often as you like, so don’t be afraid to play around to see what works best. Think about which colours represent your business, and tie them in with any colours in your branding, if applicable.
Is all your content present and correct?
Make sure you haven’t left any of the sections you’ve added incomplete. Never underestimate the value of a double (and triple) check of spelling and grammar. Fresh eyes can work wonders; ask somebody else to check over the content if you can, or come back to it yourself after a break.
Have you got all the pages you want?
For example, if you’ve told people to contact you, have you got a dedicated contact page? Check all your links go to the right place. It’s also worth checking out a few websites you are familiar with, to see if they’ve included any key pages you might have forgotten.
Are you happy with the fonts? Is it easy to read?
Make sure your fonts look good in preview mode, and work together. Does all the text fit into the different sections so you can easily read it? Like the colours, you can change your fonts as often as you want, but it’s worth finding one you’re happy with to begin with – if you can be as consistent with any other branding as possible, it will give your website (and business) a more professional look.
Does it work on mobile?
This is very important – lots of your visitors and potential customers will be looking at your website from a mobile device, so you need to make sure all your hard work pays off on mobile devices and computers! Make sure you use the different preview modes and check that all the pages look good in any format.
Since KitStart has been designed to reduce the amount of time and effort you need to put into these elements, many of these things will just be very quick checks. For example, our style options have been designed to work across the whole site – so any check of colours and fonts only needs to take a second! Keep checking in with the above questions about your website’s aim, content and style and you’ll soon find you’ve quickly and easily made the exact website you want and need.